Funeral speeches

Plan: Put funeral speeches




Now let’s begin, My mom was fun, unique, and very special. She had strange addictions such as eating ginger candy and eating turmeric and that nasty coconut water, and her fittle faddle popcorn she had for the old school people, drinking coffee every day from her local coffee shop in Saginaw, and buying products for my hair. My mom also was a fan of being with different cultures and traveled a lot. She traveled with my brother and I to many places just so we could have awesome memories with her. We even started a YouTube channel together so that we would be able to record these memories for the future after she died. My mom was always liked to tell others about her story and as well as helping others in need. She always had this quote of whenever things get wrong you just try again. She always encouraged me to fear God and nothing else, she prayed constantly that evil does not touch my brother and me. Every day she reminded me that prayer changes things as well as constant reminders that the way to heaven is very narrow. She was always really relatable to whatever subjects I talked to her about. Such as wanting to follow the crowd, or trying to fight personal battles or even just talking about temptations. She could always relate and tell me some good wisdom. She also had the habit of reminding me to stop filling myself up with garbage, and fill myself up with good things, so that later in the day i could think about them and encourage myself, or edify myself. She was honestly at peace with the fact she had many health issues. She called her cancer a maze, and soon enough she found a way to cope with it and decided to help others. She believed that she survived cancer to help other people, always be confident and QUOTE ON QUOTE not let any negative thoughts get to my head END QUOTE. her response being god will give us the grace to deal with it.



All of you here know my mom in some sort of way and we all are mourning for her. But she gave us memory’s that I am sure we will never forget. And I knew that she was prepared to leave. She told me to keep on going, to try again, and to never give up. She was a role model, a survivor, and a mother. She was someone to look up to, to see that the impossible was possible. She was calm in the most stressful situations. She will always someone be someone to look up to.
I love you mom.



I would like to thank Hannah’s family who organized this event.
To better understand me I am a child of a mom who left with cancer when I was 18, she was 45 and Naomi left with 41. Day after Naomi, it was my gramma’s passing away anniversary. I am the person who wanted to stay in the army, did finish entry into military school, and got ranks. I didn’t want to go to the past with this speech, why should I, she will come in my dreams like before, tears but Naomi is worth it.
I am who I am because of Naomi, she loved me, she taught me, she showed me the way.
Two people knew in detailed Naomi and my story and unfortunately both passed away. One was brother Jether and the other Naomi.
I remember words that one grandma said
Children are only that stays behind us, listen to your grandma, only Naomi can say one day, yes lived only ones one Dubravko, and Dubravko can say lived once one Naomi.
When you share life with somebody, only then you live. Never be alone, never.
It is OK, good, life is not fair, good. It is all good, we will find a way.
You gotta keep them separated, our Naomi from those battles.
God gave this battle to Naomi and me, I did not choose this life, I didn’t volunteer. When you see this suffering and tears, you join.
It was my privilege.
God chooses the best, Naomi for sacrifice for the better cause.
Every month at support group meetings we planned, analyzed, and encouraged each other. But we need to endure 30 days. Even then there were too many things and too little time.
What was encouragement? Other people have much worst than me. I was blessed. My family was blessed.
When things calm down, it was special, because we didn’t know how long it will last.
When doctors said 6 months to her, and we had with her 384. That is a miracle.
Naomi was battling the biggest battles and lots of time we were not trained for those battles, the enemy could be everywhere. We were dropped in the middle of it. In matters of seconds, everything could change.
This situation will push you constantly emotionally and mentally to the edge of suicide. Fear? There was fear, but we wanted to prevent panic.
From all people that I know, she definitely deserves a place in heaven.
She is a miracle.
She touched all our lives.
She was very courageous.
I still remember my friend navy seal Steve who I told parts of our battles and said that this was tougher than their training.
Our battles were so strong it will rip you inside in thousands of pieces, it will break you. Like this funeral now imagine every 3 days like this.
I remember I was focused, like being in some state, awaken, ready for everything. I didn’t care about my life.
  • Bro. Jether and I created a strategy “when bad comes, you do counterstrike say I love you and do something good”.
  • Her tears were so precious, she always remembered that I told her to not waste them.
  • “I don’t remember” was my strategy.
  • Visualizing better life was another strategy
  • I invented training called “visualize negative actions and train physically, you cry while you run”
  • Flow chart of actions what to do. Who to call, who is our support?
  • Writing diary.
  • Negative words and thinking are not allowed in our house.
  • Meditate on verses, repeat them constantly “God will not give you more than you can take”
Naomi practiced those strategies best that she could.
I recognized in early time that in the unit somebody needs to draw the fire. Somebody in our marriage needs to be the person who accepts blame, accusations, hits so the unit can see the light the next morning. It always helped.
You reach a focused state and you don’t care about your own life, you want to fight for your closest.
When you come back, regular life doesn’t make sense, you cry about what has been done, people can’t understand you, you lose friends, Facebook with their happy lives, some friends try but no luck. They don’t have training. They don’t understand why you go back, back in those battles. You go thru some PTSD. You take Bible, go to support groups, calling your brothers with the same battles, you pray.
Many times it looked impossible to conquer those big wars, it looked like wars inside the war. It wasn’t just one monster but 6 of them.
As you know Naomi had brain cancer which triggered 6 others. There was a lot of stigma at the beginning but that doesn’t matter anymore.
It could be one monster or five on the same day.
Sometimes we felt that like we are standing before those monsters and it looked impossible, but we stayed positive.
She went back and back in that battle, day by day if blessed two days rest, one day battle for 9 years. Rotation by rotation.
She had faith, she always said it is God’s perfect plan. Children gave her the strength to continue.
She went home, she fought her war, she never asked to be a hero, but she became a hero.
We read Job expecting that he will bless double next generations after us and even seven times.
I watched her early morning while she slept, It was a peaceful time of the day. I loved her with all my heart. I remember our first 2 years how happy we were. I was so competitive with her, we played the game about who can do more good to each other. You know she hugs me, opa she is winning I need to give her two. Then we sleep and I see her hugging me. She cheated. I was sleeping. He he
Life was not grandiose, but we took and had what we had.
I admire Maya and Kyle, they are children of this war. Still standing strong. We become the closest unit ever. If they remember battles good, if they don’t, good. I still remember how Kyle is also a miracle as we were so nervous if everything will be fine, with Maya it was better but we had our battles. She paid with her life kids freedom.
Naomi cried and prayed for other families, calling them, offering help because she understood how is for other families. She was a hero.
So for the end here is a little letter and a cheer.
So, my love
we will stay strong, we will do well in life
Love us from above, say Hi to my mom.
I will hug deeply our children
Each day we will grow
We will keep smiling, thinking positive and never give up
I will put children in bed tonight,
I will tell them I love them, hug them in your name.
Kiss them in your name, for mommy.
Children of God need to return to him and Naomi returned to him.
So do me a favor, let’s raise our glasses
and say “for Naomi”
ready, one, two, tree
For Naomi