1. Naomi used to work and cut grass in the 90s for my company.
    She started having a bible study on the property at one job place and she was supposed to work. Other people too were supposed to work too but instead had a bible study.

  2. Girls had crafts nights with Naomi, young girls met every week and did it with sister Liz and started it at Liz’s house. Esther and Naomi created the girl’s crafts Detroit edition. They met, had a story, craft and played a fun game.
    Naomi was always an easy person to work with. She was alright with everything. They went camping, zoo, etc…

    She played piano by ear at 12 years of age.

    Naomi was funny too. In Sweden Naomi and I took Anita who was 11 years old and Naomi was 13 and they got there. They didn’t know where they will be staying, it was two blocks away and they put suitcases on their head saying there going to the promised land as a joke. This was the funniest trip I have ever been on.

    Naomi was taller than I, we would play fight and Esther put funny karate moves to teach Naomi who was boss, they laughed whenever they wrestled too.
    I used to work in Sterling Heights and I would go out to eat with Naomi. We went to the Sweden food house during lunch hour. I couldn’t go and Naomi took Nicole and Leah instead with her and they put the food in their pockets and brought it to me. We ate it at my work.
    One time on my birthday Naomi pulled out a beautiful yellow bouquet. I was really happy.

    I traveled to Sweden and Norway with Naomi and we went to Norway a few more times and even to Italy for a wedding.
    We went to the city Milan and Sedona in Italy. People in Italy were a little bit ruder, it was chaotic in the airport and we were pushed over and they didn’t say excuse me. Their visit was nice and we went to the beach. We climbed in and out of the hotel window going to the beach. We spent a few days in Rome sightseeing. When we got there and tried to get a taxi but we got there instead by train. Taxi’s kept passing us. They wouldn’t listen and they wouldn’t understand us in English. We found a taxi guy who wouldn’t speak English so we said we wouldn’t pay him if he didn’t talk English so then we got him to speak English and he took us to our location.

    Naomi was known to put her heart into her music when she played. Tim could always count on Naomi to bring life to the meeting when she played piano.

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